Power Lines Poetry

This photo was taken on an old iPhone from my backyard. I have a love-hate relationship with this view. On the one hand, I love the sky, knowing there’s an amazing ocean sunset happening just over the distant ridge. I love the open space, giving me the illusion that I live in a tiny slice of wild space in the middle of Southern California suburbia. On the other hand, those power lines interrupt my view like acne scars on a stunning face.

But then, one evening, while I was cooking dinner, the light pulled me outside. I knew I had to abandon my bubbling marinara sauce and see what was happening in the sky.

My eyes zoomed in on three of the power lines and my perspective changed that moment. The lines offered an invitation—write poetry on us! “Hey, Lorrie! We’re not just for birds and wifi. We’re here for your words!”

I realized that ugly can be beautiful!

I’m creating a collection of photos taken in my backyard (often in the early morning hours when I’m still barefoot and in PJs) because while the power lines are constant, the sky behind them is an everchanging infinite canvas! What a discovery—inspiration hiding in plain sight.

Now, my sweet husband is in on it too. We look for power line patterns wherever we go. “Lorrie, there’s a great one! Want me to pull over so you can take a picture?” I love it. We’re making ugly beautiful, together.

This is my first collection of Power Line Poetry. All photos are from my backyard, taken on an iPhone SE without filters or Canva tricks. In this haiku collage, it’s the same three power lines, but the sky behind them changes with seasons, weather, and time of day.

I hope my poems inspire you to go outside and look skyward, to discover words waiting to be written—or at least see something ugly that has the potential to be beautiful through your one-of-a-kind eyes.